Lending Services continues to be a unique and essential financial resource for many Tribal and community members. We are constantly looking for opportunities to secure loan capital and create new loan offerings to support our community needs.
To apply for a loan, complete this application!
Our electronic loan application is available, select the NCFS loan type from the options above. If you’ve properly submitted the application you will receive a reply email that it has been received with any current estimated processing times.
We currently offer 3 types of Loans - Consumer Loans, Homeownership Loans & Small Business Loans.
Click the tab below to learn more about each type of Loan.
Consumer loans:
Including Education loans, to enrolled members of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. These loans are primarily secured by the Tribal Quarterly General Welfare Assistance (TQGWA) that CTUIR Tribal Government pays out on the 20th of February, May, August and November.
Eligibility Criteria:
Enrolled CTUIR member 18 years of age or older
TQGWA payment must be available to secure the loan repayment
Submit a complete loan application, including release authorizing NCFS to obtain income, debts and credit history information
Be in good standing on all existing NCFS loan products
No prior late payments or write-offs on NCFS loans
Must qualify for a minimum of $1,800 in new proceeds when adding to an existing NCFS loan
Applicants late making payments on any loan (3) times or more within last 12 months, shall not be eligible for a new loan until 6 months have passed following the payoff of the loan.
If applicant’s loan was delinquent but made up all past due payments and has made at least one payment as agreed the applicant may be considered to be in good standing.
Applicants who have had all or part of an uncollected NCFS loan written off must repay loan prior to receiving a new NCFS loan.
If you prefer to hand fill an application and mail it to NCFS you may print it out here.
Lending Services Staff and Contact Information: Lending@nixyaawii-cdfi.org
Please see our FAQ/Loan types for more information.

Applicant Disclaimer:
NCFS is at its sole discretion to approve or reject any loan application at any point during the application process based on our policy and procedures. To avoid delays, Please ensure you wholly complete the application as it is the initial start of this application process. Please be advised that we may ask for additional information and/or fees may be assessed during this process. We appreciate your co-operation and look forward to working with you.
It is the policy of Nixyáawii Community Financial Services (NCFS) to provide timely meaningful access for limited English language proficiency (LEP) persons to all NCFS programs and activities. Language Assistance Services are available at no cost. To request Language Assistance Services, Click Here

The NCFS Loan Portal is active! You may sign up to view your existing loan transactions, statements and receive important messages. Please reference your enrollment number instead of a partial SSN or loan number. Your request will be forwarded to NCFS where we’ll link your current loan and activate your account, this typically is done within one business day. Once activated it is available to you 24/7!